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The ultimate WOCAS-Guide

Configuring a Contact Survey

Using the Contact Survey, you can have up to three conditional questions with answer choices for all or only the ‘Digitize’ intents in the Contact capture.
These questions can

  1. be asked directly during a call (possibly also in chat) to the customer or
  2. be answered by the Customer Facing Representative (CFR) after the call, email or chat has been processed (e.g. information that has arisen from the processing or from brief additional research on the case).

Especially in the first case, you have the unique opportunity here to have the customer directly questioned in the context of their current concern. Compared to general customer surveys, this form of questioning brings much more concrete, relevant results with less effort for the customer. When asking customers directly in the call, you should sensitize the Customer Facing Representatives (CFRs) to call up the Customer Intent in WOCAS while the enquiry is still being processed in the call – only then will the questions appear.

The Survey function is often used for self-service surveys, in which the customers are asked directly in the call whether they had already tried to solve their request online beforehand. Linked to the background of wanting to find out how the online offering can be improved, customers consistently perceive this form of survey very positively. It uncovers hurdles in the use of the functions in the customer portal or app, or reveals reasons for not using self-service offerings. At the same time, the conversation activates future self-service use by customers because other existing functions can also be discussed. You can find more information about self-service surveys with a practical example in our WOCAS Practice Guide #07 – Beyond Technology: Activating customers for self-service and optimizing content.

When you set up the Survey function, up to three conditional questions will appear for the customer service representative (CFR), each with different answer choices.

An example question sequence could be (simplified representation):

Has the customer previously tried to resolve their issue online?

  • Yes, previously tried in self-service
  • No, customer contacted directly
  • No possibility to ask

Each choice option can lead to different follow-up questions (conditional questions).

If ‘Yes, previously tried in Self Service’ is selected, the following follow-up question with corresponding answer options is suitable, for example:

Why did the customer call anyway? What was the reason for the failure?

  • Function not found
  • Function was not self-explanatory / did not know what to do
  • Wanted to make sure he did it right
  • Had login problems
  • Ran into an error.
  • Self service function is not suitable for the specific customer situation
  • Other

For each answer option, another more in-depth question with answer options can be offered in turn.

How does it work?

To set up a survey, proceed as follows:

  • Enter the first question in the ‘Your title or your first question to the survey’ field. You can also customize the question in this field.
  • Enter the individual answer options for the first question in the lower field ‘Enter your selection criteria here’. If you have a follow-up question to an answer choice, then enter it here in the second field ‘What is the follow-up question with this choice?’. This will then allow you to enter answer choices for this follow-up question using the ‘+’ symbol.
  • If you do not add any answer choices, your follow-up question will be displayed in the Contact form with a text answer option.
  • The entry can be deleted using the ‘trash’ symbol (cannot be undone).
  • Select for which Intents the Survey should be displayed:
    • Don’t show: The Contact Survey is turned off (this is useful for designing the Survey so that the Customer Service Representatives (CFRs) do not yet see it in the making.
    • Show for Digitize Intents only: the Contact Survey questions are only selected for Customer Intents that are assigned to the strategy ‘Digitize’ (blue) in the Customer Intent administration. This is a typical setting for ‘Self Service surveys’.
    • Show for all Intents: the Contact Survey questions are displayed for all Contacts, regardless of the selected Customer Intent.

This results in a question/answer structure consisting of a maximum of 3 parts plus an additional text answer.
