The ultimate WOCAS-Guide
WOCAS® Roles

From documenting Contacts to ensuring high reliability and striving for solutions – the amount of insights generated in WOCAS® requires some participants to deal with them!
Roles in the WOCAS® application
Depending on the size of your organization and internal data safety regulations, WOCAS® provides different roles for project members. Find a description below explaining visibility of functionalities, access to reports and recommendations.
The following 4 roles could cover your project team (the rights of the roles add up in ascending order) :
Rights: Create Contacts and Voices, like and comment on published Voices and Posts, view Issues, and rate published Issues.
Recommended for: Customer Advisors (CFRs).
Additional CFR+ rights: Ability to see Contacts and Voices created and submitted within their Group.
Recommended for: Analysts or team leaders who should only see the data of their own Group (team/organization).
Additional Champ rights: View all created Contacts, Voices and Issues, assign Voices to Issues, publish/unpublish/edit Voices, create, publish/unpublish and edit Posts. Publish Issues so that they can be rated.
Reports: View all reports, such as Skyline, Value-Irritant, and Top Customer Intents. Can be enabled to get a key for loading data into Power BI, for example. (Activated “Odata”-checkbox in the user administration.)
Recommended for: Analysts who need to see all data in the system.
Additional Champ+ rights: Configure the system, access and manage all captured content. Create, delete, edit and invite Users, configure Groups, configure Issue, Contact & Voice forms and their content.
Recommended for: Project Managers and System Administrators.
To get started with WOCAS®, the following project members should be involved:
- You need a Project Coordinator who is responsible for steering and dealing with the preparations and requirements.
- At least one Analyst is needed for the operational work in WOCAS® and with the customer advisors (a combination of coordinator and analyst is also possible).
You need around 10-20 customer advisors to capture customer contacts and to report recurring issues (The number of customer advisors depends on the number of contacts per day).

- Coordinates the project internally
- Ensures access to additional resources when required
- Engages the business in the resolution process

- Develop Customer Intents, work closely on frontline engagement, quality assurance, Issue aggregation, validation and analysis

- Participate in trainings and individual coaching
- Record Contacts and documents recurring customer problems in Voice forms. Evaluate content on the Home screen by rating, liking and commenting.
Team Lead:
- Ensures customer advisor availability. Supports team engagement and communication.