The ultimate WOCAS-Guide
Publish your first Post!

The Posts section lets you inform your WOCAS® team members about news, changes and the overall progress. To start off it’s a great idea to welcome all members and explain the project to them with a Post on feed of the Home screen!
Writing Posts is possible for Champ/Champ+.
For a step-by-step instruction to your first Post follow the instructions below!
- Click Posts > New Post.
- Type a headline.
- Type your text and use the styling options.
- Add an image to spice up your post. On the right side you see a preview of your post.
- Click Save.
- Click Share to publish your post to all users on the Home page. Users can now read, like and comment your post.
Don’t forget to Share!

There are two types of posts: news and tutorial posts.
What is the difference?
News posts
are current messages that are intended exclusively for the feed.
These can be messages about milestones reached or instructions or changes that only apply for a certain period of time.
As they are temporary snapshots, they are displayed in reverse chronological order. The most recent post is always placed at the top.
Tutorial posts
are not only displayed in the feed but can also be filtered out via a tile in the dashboard. These are permanently valid messages that describe, for example, the use of WOCAS® or basic processes/procedures. As they should usually be read in a certain chronological order, they are sorted by heading (A-Z, or 1,2,3…) when called up via the tile. You can therefore determine the order yourself using numbering in the title.
In the feed itself, you can recognize the tutorial posts by the graduate hat.

As a champ, you can use a slider when creating or editing a post to determine if it should be a tutorial post or not. And of course, you can undo a publication for every post without deleting it directly.
But please note that every update of a published post (either news or tutorial) will cause it to be displayed at the top of the feed again for every user.